Latest press releases from Transfeero
Press release

Transfeero Expands Global Reach with Three New Destinations: Santiago, Saint Lucia, and Fiji

Ferdinando avatar
Shared by Ferdinando • February 02, 2025

Transfeero, a leading provider of private transfer and chauffeur services, is thrilled to announce the expansion of its service network with the addition of three exciting new destinations: Santiago de Chile, Saint Lucia, and Fiji. With this expansion, Transfeero now proudly serves customers in 40 countries worldwide, reaffirming its commitment to connecting travelers with seamless and reliable transfer solutions across the globe.

Explore New Horizons with Transfeero

As part of our growth strategy, Transfeero has strategically chosen these vibrant and culturally rich destinations to enhance our global portfolio:

- Santiago de Chile: Nestled between the majestic Andes and the Pacific Ocean, Santiago offers a unique blend of modern urban life and breathtaking natural landscapes. From the bustling markets to the tranquil vineyards, Transfeero ensures a comfortable and stress-free journey to explore all that Santiago has to offer.

- Saint Lucia: Known for its stunning beaches, lush rainforests, and iconic Pitons, Saint Lucia is a paradise for those seeking both adventure and relaxation. Transfeero provides reliable airport transfers and chauffeur services to explore this Caribbean gem at your own pace.

- Fiji: With its idyllic islands, vibrant coral reefs, and warm hospitality, Fiji is a dream destination for travelers. With Transfeero, visitors can enjoy the beauty of this Pacific oasis with convenient and efficient transportation options to make the most of their Fijian getaway.

Transfeero's Commitment to Excellence

Transfeero continues to set the standard in the private transfer industry by connecting customers with trusted local partners, ensuring they enjoy a seamless travel experience at every destination. As we broaden our global presence, our mission remains unchanged: to provide safe, reliable, and personalised transfer services that cater to individual travel needs.

About Transfeero

Transfeero is an industry leader in providing private transfer solutions, offering a comprehensive range of services including airport transfers, shuttle services, and chauffeur-driven experiences. Our easy-to-use online platform allows travelers to book transportation services efficiently and effortlessly, no matter where they are in the world.

Media Contact

Ferdinando D'Agostino

Transfeero | Sicily Action Srl

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +44 20 4586 9665

Press release

Transfeero aderisce allo sciopero nazionale del 12 dicembre 2024, sospendendo i servizi a Roma, Milano e Firenze

Ferdinando avatar
Shared by Ferdinando • December 11, 2024


Transfeero aderisce allo sciopero nazionale del 12 dicembre 2024, sospendendo i servizi a Roma, Milano e Firenze

11 Dicembre 2024

Transfeero al fianco della comunità NCC

Transfeero, leader nel settore dei trasferimenti privati, annuncia la propria adesione allo sciopero nazionale indetto per il 12 dicembre 2024 in solidarietà con la comunità degli operatori NCC (noleggio con conducente). Per l’intera giornata, i servizi di trasferimento nelle città di Roma, Milano e Firenze saranno sospesi.

“Abbiamo deciso di aderire a questo sciopero come segnale forte e concreto di supporto verso la comunità NCC, che rappresenta una colonna portante del trasporto privato in Italia,” dichiara Andrea Platania, Operations Manager di Transfeero. “Le nuove restrizioni imposte dal governo rischiano di compromettere l’efficienza e la sostenibilità del settore, danneggiando non solo gli operatori, ma anche i cittadini e i turisti che si affidano a noi.”

Un impegno per la qualità e l’efficienza

“Transfeero è nata con l’obiettivo di offrire un servizio di alta qualità e flessibile, rispondendo alle esigenze di mobilità sia locali che internazionali,” aggiunge Platania. “Normative come queste non solo limitano la nostra capacità di operare, ma rischiano anche di peggiorare la percezione dell’Italia come destinazione affidabile per eventi e turismo.”

Transfeero in breve

Transfeero, marchio registrato di Sicily Action Srl, è una società italiana fondata in Sicilia e oggi attiva in 37 paesi del mondo. Nel 2024 ha servito oltre 1.000.000 di passeggeri, consolidando il suo ruolo come uno dei principali partner di mobilità internazionale grazie alla qualità e all’affidabilità dei suoi servizi.

Contatti stampa

Per ulteriori informazioni:

Ferdinando D'Agostino

Transfeero | Sicily Action Srl

Email: [email protected]

Sito web:

Press release

Transfeero: Il Decreto sugli NCC penalizza le imprese italiane e minaccia il futuro degli investimenti nazionali

Ferdinando avatar
Shared by Ferdinando • December 10, 2024


Transfeero esprime preoccupazione per l’impatto del nuovo decreto interministeriale sugli NCC e riflette sul futuro delle proprie operazioni in Italia

10 Dicembre 2024


Transfeero, trademark di Sicily Action Srl, piattaforma italiana leader nel settore dei trasferimenti privati, nata in Sicilia e cresciuta con l’obiettivo di offrire un servizio di qualità, desidera esprimere la propria preoccupazione riguardo al recente decreto emanato dal governo italiano. Questo provvedimento, che introduce una pausa obbligatoria di 20 minuti tra un servizio e l’altro per gli NCC e impone l’obbligo di registrare i passeggeri, rischia di danneggiare significativamente il settore e penalizzare sia gli operatori che i clienti finali.

Un provvedimento che penalizza la mobilità e il servizio al cliente

Le nuove restrizioni imposte dal decreto rappresentano una grave minaccia alla flessibilità e all’efficienza che da sempre caratterizzano il settore NCC.

“È difficile comprendere l’utilità pratica di una pausa obbligatoria di 20 minuti tra i servizi,” dichiara Andrea Platania, Operations Manager di Transfeero. “Durante i periodi di alta stagione o in contesti urbani con elevata domanda, come Milano o Roma, il servizio NCC diventa essenziale per supportare il sistema di trasporto pubblico e compensare la carenza di taxi. Questo decreto rischia di rallentare il servizio, aumentare i costi operativi e di conseguenza quelli per i clienti.”

Nel 2024, Transfeero ha gestito con successo oltre 1.000.000 di passeggeri in tutto il mondo, confermandosi come un partner fondamentale per la mobilità internazionale. La nostra piattaforma è sinonimo di qualità e affidabilità, rispondendo alle esigenze dei viaggiatori con flessibilità ed efficienza. Tuttavia, le nuove misure rischiano di compromettere la nostra capacità di offrire lo stesso livello di servizio in Italia.

Impatto sugli eventi internazionali e sulla reputazione del Paese

Transfeero sottolinea inoltre l’impatto che il decreto potrebbe avere sulla gestione di grandi eventi nazionali e internazionali.

“Eventi come il G7 o il prossimo Giubileo richiedono una mobilità flessibile e coordinata. Le pause obbligatorie introdotte dal decreto non solo complicheranno la gestione logistica, ma rischiano di compromettere l’immagine dell’Italia come Paese capace di accogliere efficacemente flussi di visitatori internazionali,” continua Platania. “È noto che figure di spicco e delegazioni internazionali non utilizzano abitualmente i taxi per i loro spostamenti. Quali saranno le alternative, se il decreto rende impraticabile il servizio NCC?”

Un approccio burocratico che complica il lavoro degli NCC

Oltre alla pausa obbligatoria, l’introduzione dell’obbligo di registrare i passeggeri solleva ulteriori dubbi.

“Ci chiediamo quale sia l’obiettivo di questa misura,” sottolinea Platania. “La frammentazione burocratica con moduli diversi a seconda del punto di partenza del servizio non fa altro che aggiungere complessità a un settore già soggetto a numerose regolamentazioni. Un unico modello standard sarebbe stata una soluzione più semplice ed efficace.”

Una riflessione sul futuro degli investimenti in Italia

Transfeero, un’azienda italiana che ha sempre investito nel proprio Paese, contribuendo con tasse e risorse all’economia nazionale, si trova costretta a riflettere sul proprio futuro operativo. Se le restrizioni previste dal decreto saranno confermate, il mercato italiano rischia di diventare insostenibile per un’azienda come la nostra, che ha sempre operato con trasparenza e professionalità.

“Questo decreto ci spinge inevitabilmente a rivalutare le nostre priorità e a concentrare gli investimenti nei mercati esteri in cui già operiamo con successo, ma che finora non sono stati la nostra priorità rispetto all’Italia,” afferma Platania. “È frustrante constatare come il contesto normativo italiano penalizzi costantemente le imprese che cercano di innovare e creare valore, spingendole a guardare altrove.”

Un appello al governo

Transfeero invita il governo italiano a riconsiderare le misure contenute nel decreto e a valutare le loro implicazioni a lungo termine per il settore NCC e per il Paese.

“L’Italia ha bisogno di sostenere le imprese che generano posti di lavoro, migliorano i servizi per i cittadini e contribuiscono all’economia. Penalizzare realtà come la nostra non fa altro che ostacolare il progresso e compromettere la competitività nazionale,” conclude Platania. “Siamo pronti a dialogare e collaborare per trovare soluzioni che siano realmente a beneficio di tutti: operatori, clienti e l’intero sistema di mobilità.”

Contatti stampa

Per ulteriori informazioni:

Ferdinando D'Agostino

Transfeero | Sicily Action Srl

Email: [email protected]

Sito web:

Press release

Transfeero Expands Premium Transfer Services to Cape Town International Airport

Andrea avatar
Shared by Andrea • August 07, 2024

Cape Town, South Africa – Transfeero, the leading online platform for booking private transfers, shuttle services, airport pickups, and chauffeur services, is thrilled to announce the expansion of its premium service offerings to Cape Town International Airport (CPT). This new destination will allow travelers to experience seamless, reliable, and comfortable transfers in and out of one of the world’s most stunning cities.

With the addition of Cape Town International Airport to our portfolio, Transfeero continues to fulfill its mission of providing global, hassle-free transportation solutions. Known for its exceptional customer service, punctuality, and a wide range of vehicle options, Transfeero ensures that every journey is personalized and caters to the specific needs of both individual travelers and groups.

Key Features of Transfeero’s Services in Cape Town:

- 24/7 Availability: Transfers available around the clock to accommodate all flight schedules.

- Diverse Fleet: A wide range of vehicles, from luxurious sedans to spacious minibuses, to suit different needs and preferences.

- Professional Chauffeurs: Experienced, vetted drivers ensuring safety and comfort.

- Easy Online Booking: Simple booking process through our website,, and customer service support through +44 20 4586 9665 / +1 929 416 3724 / [email protected].

- Transparent Pricing: Competitive rates with no hidden fees.

- Real-time Updates: Flight tracking and real-time updates to ensure timely pickups and drop-offs.

About Transfeero:

Transfeero serves as an intermediary between customers and partners who manage the rides, ensuring everything goes smoothly. With a vast network of professional service providers, Transfeero operates at major airports, ports, and stations globally, offering a range of transport solutions to suit every traveler's needs.

New feature
Press release

Transfeero Unveils New Mobile App Design: Revolutionizing the Way You Travel

Andrea avatar
Shared by Andrea • May 18, 2024

Transfeero, a leading provider of private transfer and chauffeur services, is thrilled to announce the launch of its newly redesigned mobile application, which is available for download starting today. This innovative app enhancement is set to transform user experience by offering more intuitive navigation, sleek design, and additional features that streamline the booking process for airport pickups, shuttle services, and private rides from any location.

Enhanced Features and User-Friendly Interface

"We are excited to launch this new design, which exemplifies our commitment to providing exceptional service and accessibility," said Ferdinando D'Agostino, CRM of Transfeero. "We believe that the improvements in the Transfeero app will offer a more streamlined and enjoyable experience for all our users, reaffirming our position as the go-to provider for convenient and reliable transportation services worldwide."

The app redesign also enhances communication features, allowing users to receive instant updates about their rides and effortlessly communicate with their drivers or customer service when needed.

Download the New Transfeero App Today

The updated Transfeero app is now available for both iOS and Android users. It can be downloaded via the Apple Store or Google Play Store. Current users will receive an automatic update notification.

About Transfeero

Transfeero is a reputable service provider connecting customers with top-tier transportation options from airports, ports, stations, and private addresses. As an intermediary, Transfeero ensures seamless coordination and customer satisfaction with every ride booked through their platform.

For further information on our services, visit or contact our customer service directly at +44 20 4586 9665 / +1 929 416 3724 / [email protected].


Public Relations Department


Email: [email protected]

Phone: +44 20 4586 9665 / +1 929 416 3724

Press release

Transfeero Expands Its Private Transport Services to Include Taipei and Seoul Airports

Andrea avatar
Shared by Andrea • March 14, 2024

Transfeero, an esteemed provider of online booking for private transfers, shuttle services, airport pickups, and chauffeur services, is thrilled to announce the expansion of its services to two new destinations: Taipei Taoyuan International Airport (TPE) and Incheon International Airport (ICN) in Seoul. This strategic expansion is part of Transfeero’s continuous efforts to accommodate the growing demands of global travelers for reliable and comfortable transportation solutions.

Seamless Travel Experience to and from Taipei and Seoul

Starting from March 2024 passengers traveling to or from Taipei and Seoul can enjoy the unparalleled convenience of booking their airport transfers with Transfeero. Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure, Transfeero’s commitment to providing timely, efficient, and comfortable transportation services remains our top priority. This expansion into Taipei and Seoul is a testament to our dedication to enhancing the travel experience of our valued customers worldwide.

Why Choose Transfeero for Your Airport Transfer Needs?

Transfeero stands out in the travel industry for its exceptional service quality, reliability, and customer-focused approach. Customers can easily book their transportation needs through our user-friendly website,, or by contacting our customer service team available at +44 20 4586 9665 / +1 929 416 3724 / [email protected]. Our service includes:

- A wide range of vehicle options to suit individual or group needs.

- Competitive, transparent pricing with no hidden fees.

- Professional, experienced drivers who prioritize safety and customer comfort.

- 24/7 customer support ensuring peace of mind throughout your journey.

A Commitment to Excellence

As Transfeero continues to expand its services globally, our commitment to offering an impeccable travel experience remains unchanged. We are diligently working to ensure that every ride booked through Transfeero is smooth, comfortable, and meets the high standards our customers have come to expect from us.

“We are excited to include Taipei and Seoul in our network, offering more travelers the ease and comfort of our services. This expansion is a significant milestone for us, and we look forward to making our customers' journeys more enjoyable and stress-free,” said Andrea Platania, OM of Transfeero.

For further information about our new services in Taipei and Seoul or to book your next airport transfer, visit

About Transfeero

Transfeero is a leading online booking platform offering private transfers, shuttle services, airport pickups, and chauffeur services to travelers across the globe. We pride ourselves on being the bridge between customers and our trusted partners, ensuring every ride is managed seamlessly. Our mission is to provide a hassle-free travel experience by offering high-quality, reliable transportation solutions wherever your travels may take you.

Contact Information:


Customer Service: +44 20 4586 9665 / +1 929 416 3724

Email: [email protected]


Press release

Transfeero Expands Service to Include Airport Transfers in New Delhi and Mumbai

Andrea avatar
Shared by Andrea • January 10, 2024

Transfeero, a leading online provider of private transfer, shuttle service, and chauffeur services is excited to announce the expansion of its services to two of India's premier airports, Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi and Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport in Mumbai. This expansion is in line with Transfeero's commitment to enhancing connectivity and travel convenience for its customers worldwide.

Globetrotters and corporate travelers can now enjoy the ease and comfort of booking their airport transfers online with just a few clicks, ahead of their arrival in New Delhi and Mumbai, two of the most bustling and vibrant cities in India. These cities not only serve as significant business hubs but are also gateways to the rich cultural heritage and diverse tourism landscapes of India.

"We recognize the growing demand for reliable, comfortable, and hassle-free travel solutions," said Andrea Platania, Operations Manager at Transfeero. "By extending our services to New Delhi and Mumbai airports, we aspire to provide a seamless travel experience to the many international visitors and domestic travelers who flock to these cities on a daily basis."

Transfeero's intuitive booking platform,, offers a simple and efficient reservation process, accessible 24/7. Customers can customize their travel experience by selecting from a variety of vehicles catered to their specific needs, whether traveling solo, with family, or in larger groups. All Transfeero drivers are professionally trained, ensuring a safe and punctual service.

The introduction of these new destinations is part of Transfeero’s ongoing efforts to broaden its coverage and meet the growing needs of its customers. With the addition of New Delhi and Mumbai airports, Transfeero affirms its dedication to offering premium travel services across the globe, reinforcing its position as a trusted name in airport transfers.

"We invite travelers to experience the unparalleled convenience of our airport transfer services in New Delhi and Mumbai," added Andrea Platania. "As always, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of safety and customer satisfaction that our clients have come to expect from Transfeero."

For further information about Transfeero's new airport transfer services in New Delhi and Mumbai, or to make a booking, please visit

About Transfeero

Transfeero is a top-tier transportation service provider offering pre-booked private transfers, shuttle services, airport pickups, and chauffeur services from airports, ports, stations or private addresses. With a mission to redefine the travel experience, Transfeero delivers personalized and reliable transportation solutions across a global network of destinations.

Press release

Transfeero Announces OneMile Loyalty Program – Earn Miles with Every Ride!

Andrea avatar
Shared by Andrea • December 08, 2023

Travel just got more rewarding with Transfeero's latest customer-focused innovation – the OneMile Loyalty Program. This exciting new feature allows travelers to earn miles for every private transfer, shuttle service, and chauffeur service booked through Transfeero's convenient online platform.

In a world where customer loyalty is the cornerstone of business success, Transfeero has upped the ante by offering a program that not only acknowledges but also treasures the patronage of its clients. Whether you're traveling from the airport to your hotel, from your home to the port, or between any two destinations, Transfeero's OneMile program ensures that every journey takes you a mile further.

Here's how it works: for every mile booked on Transfeero's services, customers will earn OneMile points. These points can be accumulated and used towards discounts on future travels, making every trip with Transfeero an investment in a cheaper, more convenient future journey.

"At Transfeero, we understand that our customers have a choice when it comes to their ground transportation needs," said Andrea Platania, Customer Success Manager, "and with the OneMile Loyalty Program, we're providing them with even more reasons to choose us time and time again. It's our way of saying 'thank you' and ensuring they know we value their business."

The OneMile Loyalty Program is just one of the many ways Transfeero is innovating within the transport sector, providing a seamless blend of convenience, quality, and appreciation that truly sets it apart from competitors.

To join the OneMile Loyalty Program, simply sign up at and start earning miles today. It's quick, easy, and free – and your next discounted journey may be closer than you think. Because with Transfeero, every mile counts.

Spread the word and let the miles begin!

For more information on Transfeero and the OneMile Loyalty Program, please visit

About Transfeero

Transfeero is the go-to source for booking a premium private transfer, shuttle service, airport pickup, and chauffeur service, serving travelers worldwide with a user-friendly online platform and 24/7 customer support. Committed to enhancing the travel experience, Transfeero prides itself on offering the utmost convenience, reliability, and comfort for its customers' transportation needs.

Press release

Transfeero Expands to Offer Seamless Private Transfer Services in 73 Countries

Antonino avatar
Shared by Antonino • November 11, 2023

In a significant expansion of its services, Transfeero is proud to announce that global travelers can now book private and hassle-free transportation in 73 countries around the world. With this extensive growth, Transfeero fortifies its position as a leading company in providing exceptional travel transfer solutions to international travelers, ensuring comfort and efficiency from the moment they step off the plane.

Transfeero has established a formidable network that includes airports, ports, and stations, offering a comprehensive range of services that cater to the diverse needs of customers. Whether it's a luxurious limousine for a business executive, a spacious shuttle for family vacations, or a reliable chauffeur service for city tours, Transfeero's expansion promises a consistent quality of service across all new destinations.

"We are thrilled to announce that Transfeero is crossing new frontiers, reaching the impressive milestone of serving clients in 73 countries," said Antonino Testa, CEO of Transfeero. "This expansion is a testament to our commitment to providing seamless travel experiences. We are dedicated to offering outstanding service that goes beyond transportation – it's about creating lasting impressions and stress-free journeys."

Transfeero's user-friendly online booking system is designed with convenience in mind, enabling customers to secure their private transfers effortlessly. Clients can expect punctuality, professionalism, and the utmost attention to safety protocols, with an added touch of local knowledge about their destination.

The new countries in Transfeero’s network have been strategically selected to cover key travel hubs and sought-after tourist destinations, furthering the company’s global footprint and responding to the rise in international travel demands. This move solidifies Transfeero’s mission to provide reliable, accessible, and comfortable travel arrangements for passengers worldwide.

Start your next journey with confidence by booking a private transfer at Experience the difference that a global leader in transportation can make in your travel plans.

About Transfeero: Founded with the mission to revolutionize transportation for global travelers, Transfeero offers premium private transfer, shuttle services, airport pickups, and chauffeur services. It combines convenience, reliability, and luxury for those desiring effortless travel solutions. With the latest technology and a client-centric approach, Transfeero strives to elevate the standard of private travel.

Press release

Transfeero Expands Its Premium Transfer Service to the Vibrant and Cultural Hub of Hong Kong

Antonino avatar
Shared by Antonino • November 11, 2023

Transfeero, the leading provider of private transfers, chauffeur services, and shuttle options, is thrilled to announce the addition of Hong Kong to its extensive list of destinations. With this expansion, Transfeero brings its commitment to comfort, safety, and efficiency to one of the most bustling cities in the world.

Hong Kong, known for its stunning skyline and rich blend of Eastern and Western cultures, is one of Asia's premier business and leisure destinations. Transfeero's launch in Hong Kong will allow business travelers, tourists, and residents alike to enjoy hassle-free transportation from airports, ports, stations, and private addresses across the region.

"Transfeero is dedicated to offering unparalleled service to our customers," said CEO of Transfeero. "We recognize Hong Kong's unique position as a global crossroads and are excited to provide a transportation solution that matches the city's dynamism and our clients' diverse needs."

With a fleet of premium vehicles that cater to solo travelers, families, and business groups, each journey with Transfeero is designed to be an experience of luxury and relaxation. Whether it's an airport pickup at Hong Kong International Airport or a chauffeured ride to Victoria Peak, Transfeero ensures a perfect start or end to any trip.

Customers can expect the same high-quality service that has defined Transfeero's reputation: seamless online booking, transparent pricing, and professional drivers who prioritize punctuality and customer service. Additional features like meet-and-greet service, flight tracking for timely pickups, and customer support round the clock make every travel experience worry-free.

This expansion to Hong Kong not only widens the reach of Transfeero's operational map but also underscores the company's mission to provide extraordinary transfer services worldwide. For those planning their next trip to or from Hong Kong, Transfeero invites them to witness firsthand why it stands out as the preferred choice in transport solutions.

For more information or to book a transfer, visit

About Transfeero:

Transfeero is an industry leader in providing high-end, private transfer solutions. Founded with the vision of delivering a blend of luxury, reliability, and convenience, Transfeero operates in cities globally, ensuring travelers can book their rides with ease and confidence.